Main features:

  • ✅ Search

  • ✅ Sidebar with collapsible sections

  • ✅ Basic theme/styling

    • ✅ Fonts, palette, dark/light mode, etc.

  • ✅ Tags

    • ✅ tag index

    • ✅ tag badges

    • ✅ Embed tag list in home page without redundant toctrees in sidebar

    • customize tag index pages (at least add a brief description)

      • requires more sphinx-tags changes

  • ✅ RSS feed

  • ✅ Guestbook or comments

Minor features:

  • ✅ 404 page

  • ✅ Sitemap (XML)

  • 〰️Sitemap (HTML)

  • 〰️Make link previews look decent (OpenGraph config)

  • ✅ tooltips

  • Define/display structured metadata for posts (e.g. YAML front matter)

    • custom directive to display article metadata



  • ✅ Basic interests/projects pages

  • ✅ /about

  • ✅ /about-site

  • ✅ /blogroll

  • 〰️ /links

  • 〰️ /uses

  • 〰️ /log (auto-generated from git commits)

  • Some small articles about tech topics, nature, maybe photography

    • Blog-style, in chronological order?

    • Or periodically updated by topic, like wiki pages or evergreen notes?