[WP] Two friends sat together having coffee. One says weakly, "Last night, I had a dream I killed a family. It was so scary! So unlike anything I would do" The friend responds, "I remember. It was many lives ago. Don't worry, I've already forgiven you for it." I almost sprayed coffee all over the coffee table. Taking a big gulp, I said: "You- what?" "N-Nothing', he said. "You just said... It was many lives ago?" "No, I said nothing like that. Are you high again?" But his expression was the only answer I needed. "So... that actually happened? I can't believe I would do something like that. And you are... you were... which one were you?" He sighed. "I was the child. I was playing with my toys, so young and innocent. I heard a scream; it was my mother. In front of her was a man with a knife. That man was you. I tried hiding in the wardrobe, in my mother's room upstairs. Five hours I waited there, and when I finally emerged, thinking it was safe, you heard me. You came upstairs and cornered me, and killed me. As I lay there dying, I vowed to myself that I would come back to get revenge on this man. Many lives passed, but I never found you. One time I even tried to get it over with early, get to the next life, you know. I never found you, until now. You remember it, don't you? We met at work. I recognized you immediately, but... there was a different aura about you. You'd changed. I stuck around you, tried to see if you were still that man who had killed me and my family so long ago. But, it feels like you learned your lesson. So, like I said, I've forgiven you". I was speechless. This felt so alien, so backward, totally not who I was. The man in that dream was so different from me, I almost couldn't comprehend that I was the one that did something like that. "I'm sorry," I said. "I know you've forgiven me, but I'm sorry anyway." He nodded. "How about we make this like a good one, eh?" He raised his glass for a toast, and I followed suit. "To new beginnings!"