hello, I'm rawktucc

i'm a real human bean
i like keeping my html simple!

read more about me

check out my cool pages!

- tilde blog
- tilderadio setlists

- pizza of now
- spaghetti sauce of now
- various found recipes

- tildegit
- pgp key
- my wireguard server config
- random scripts I write

IRC: you can find me on tilde.chat IRC with the same username
Matrix: you can find me on Matrix, @rawktucc (colon) envs.net (but I don't use this much)
XMPP/Email: you can also XMPP message OR email me (same address, diff ports):

[ 【a】【t】 【s】【y】【m】【b】【0】【l】 ]

If you want to email me outside tildeverse, reach out on IRC or request it through above email

Fun pictures
ducc freedom! (berlin wall 2017)
there are too many Unix/Linux distros! /s