dozens dreams

poisoner and robot



It was my job to poison these three kids. Well, it was my job to kill them somehow and poison was the method of choice. They were three brothers, the youngest maybe 6 and the oldest around 12. We were all sitting together at a long dinner table having a meal. I was someone known to them. They were comfortable having me at the table with them. My handler, disguised as a waiter, brought me the bottle of poison. I was to place on drop in each of their glasses.

I tried to manage the business below the table, but fumbled and poured about a thimbleful in each of the glasses. I put them on the table and encouraged the kids to all have a drink. They were suspicious because the clear liquid had turned an inky gray. I took a sip myself to encourage them. The youngest one took his and drank it despite the two older ones telling him not to. The two oldest ones did not drink.

The youngest and I both immediately started feeling the poison. He stood up and ran in place at superhuman speed until his body burned up and metabolized the poison, and then he went back to eating and playing at the table.

I on the other hand became weaker and weaker over the next couple days. I could feel death from time to time crowding around me and trying to overtake me like sleep. Eventually I knew it was time and I asked for help being lead to bed, where I laid down and finally died.

In the blackness that followed, I saw the end credits start to quickly scroll, and also, interspersed among the credits were messages from the chat inviting me to locked and secret parts of the forums that are available only to people who have completed the game.


I was at some kind of extended beach retreat with a large group of people including S, a friend of mine since childhood, and his sister I.

I and I ended up hooking up with each other all throughout the retreat. We had a flirtatious relationship before but had never acted on any kind of desire or curiosity before now.

We made minimal efforts to be secretive and were soon found out by several people, which resulted in my being confronted in the boys cabin one day.

The confrontation started with one guy sneering at S for, I guess, allowing his sister to be in a relationship without his approval? Then several other guys started jeering at me.

I started by telling them that inserting yourself as judge into somebody else’s relationship is always unwelcome and in bad taste, and that none of this is their business, and also leave S alone! Then I went on to say that I and I have been into each other for years, and we’re seeing each other now, and it’s awesome, and we’re both happy.

They pressed me whether I thought she was the one and whether I would marry her, and I said that is still none of their business, but we just started seeing each other and I at least am not ready to consider that question. But if that were to be our choice, I’d be super happy to marry into the family of my best friend, a family I’ve known and loved for most of my life.

My strategy was to be open and conversational enough to convey that I didn’t think this was the big deal they thought it was, but private enough to try to make them feel uncomfortable with prying. I think it eventually worked and the energy in the room kind of deflated.

Then, abrupt chaos, there were all these military people in uniforms and with long guns who were running around the camp looking for someone or something. The people there had mostly convinced them to leave, but they were still kind of milling and wandering around.

S called out to a robot he had made to escort the soldiers off the property. The robot turned out to be me, so I walked over and the soldiers all scuttled into their humvee when they saw me coming. When I got there, I slapped the vehicle and it spun around, and I shoved it and it slid 10 - 20 yards down the path, and then the engine roared and it continued in that direction under its own power.

I jogged along behind the car until it was all the way off the property. The path of the road had taken us along, and then to the right to the gate. I decided to go back another way, which would be along the property line and then to the right, the complementary sides of a rectangle. I sprinted, and my vision tunneled and warped and I was back at the camp in a blink, but there was nobody around.

Soon I found a few people I didn’t recognize, and they were all dressed differently, somewhat formally. I asked around for S and I. Nobody every answered me when I asked about I, but eventually somebody told me where I could find S, and warned me that he doesn’t really talk to people.

I found S and he was bent and walked with a cane, and also dressed oddly formally. I asked him what happened and he tried to ignore me at first, and then to dismiss me, but I was persistent, and eventually he shouted at me that I was gone for a year and a half, and that terrible things had happened in my absence.

I asked him to help me figure out what happened, and to try to reverse it, and I think he agreed. I asked him several times where I was, but he would never answer.