dozens dreams

I have never even been to New York


I was at the jetties near the tidepools, kind of goofing around and kayaking. There were tricky parts by the tidepools that you could kayak through when the water rose, but then when the water receded you’d be stuck in the shallows so it was kind of hard to navigate.

There were a bunch of us there, peer of some sort. I was more familiar with the area and the tides, and some of my friends got stuck in some tidepools or stuck in some rip tides, and I went out and saved them.

There was a montage of sorts of us all getting really close to one another. We wrote some songs together (the picking, strumming, and singing were all amazingly vivid considering I don’t play guitar). There was an end of the season awards ceremony of some kind and me and Peni won an award together (for best Duolingo streak?) so we went up on stage to accept it. It was a really tight knit community, and I was a really welcomed and important part of it.

Then we were at camp and were beginning staff training. Fiver showed up unexpectedly to conduct the training, and I knew this was going to be a shit show because we had kind of an antagonist relationship, and for some reason I wasn’t even supposed to be there at this training, or I wasn’t expected, or something.

So he started a slide show that was kind of about the status and health of the company, and the first slide was “Here’s all the good stuff that happened last year and there’s all the bad stuff” and “all the bad stuff” basically consisted of my name.

Immediately all my friends from the jetties, about half the room, sat up and shot their hands up and objected.

Fiver went on to list the ways in which I had single handedly tanked the company last year, including something like “$600,000 legal fees NYC.” I objected to that one and asked for clarification, and Fiver and I warped over to a memory of me in a parking garage in NYC in a company car (which was a souped up bright yellow ATV/dune buggy looking thing with a bright red flat bed camping trailer behind it). A parking lot attendant had told me I need to move because they were bringing out a crate of electronics to be disposed of, and they needed the space where I was, and also needed for nobody to be around to steal the electronics.

So then the view switched to watching a security tape that showed the car whipping forward out of frame, and then backing back up into the frame just about a car’s length away, the implication being that I had moved to an advantageous spot to go through the electronics bin when it come out. Eventually that’s what happened. The bin came out, and some dude who was not me jumped out of the car dressed up in some kind of flashy Captain America costume, rifled through the bin and took an old VCR, threw it in the car and drove away.

The allegation was that that was me, it was a company car, I had disobeyed an officer, had stolen a VCR, and maybe got arrested? And had cost the company at least $600,000 is costs and fees.

Which, I explained, was baloney:

  1. That Captain America looking dude was not me.
  2. I have never been to New York, much less on company business
  3. That weird dune buggy was not a company car; there was no identifying logos or anything on it
  4. I wouldn’t steal a VCR!

tags: #jetties #camp #fiver
