dozens dreams

Big Daddy Murders


There was this older looking guy, maybe slightly Hunter S. Thompson looking. I donā€™t know his name, but the kids called him Big Daddy. He wasnā€™t their actual father, but had some unusual amount of responsibility for and power over them.

They were in a classroom setting of some sort, and I was watching from behind a mirror.

Some unknown collaborators of mine were taking turns possessing the kids, who were teenagers, to see what Big Daddy was doing and saying to them because we suspected him of abuse or some crimes or something.

What happened next is I think Big Daddy may have suspected something was going on, or he just felt like doing some murders, because he took out a gun and shot the two kids being possessed in the back of the head killing them instantly. The result is that only the people doing the possessing were killed, and the kids woke back up, albeit with holes in their heads. They were naturally kind of messed up and brain damaged because of the ordeal.

If Big Daddy didnā€™t suspect something was amiss before, he sure did now after seeing the kids come back to life. So he set about doing some more creative, experimental murders.

My collaborators, and myself, set about doing some kind of protective ā€œdoubleā€ possessing of the remaining kids so that if they got killed, neither they nor we would die, but whatever this protective sheath was would be destroyed instead.

The next round of murders Big Daddy did was by pouring poison into the ears of the kids. This time I was in one of the kids so I could feel the cold, thick liquid entering my ear and burning into my skull.

He dosed all the kids. When he got to the last kid, he had a little extra poison left over, so he poured it into her mouth and up her nose as well.

Everybody died, but then everybody lived. We immediately double possessed all the kids again and got ready for the next round since we expected Big Daddy to just murder everybody over and over again in different ways.

tags: #murder