dozens dreams

antlered dog dragon


I’m hiking around through the plains of some alien landscape. There’s some kind of earthquake or something, and there’s a sort of landslide that reveals a cave opening in the side of a nearby hill.

I climbed up a statue of a giraffe so I could look inside, and I found a shoebox full of papers and stacks of money.

I’m pretty sure I just found some drug runner’s stash, so I put it back and climb back down.

Just then though the drug runners come by and they have big guns and they take me and put me on a train with a bunch of other people, and they’re taking us to some kind of prison camp.

I’m a really old man now, and I’m kind of whistling and singing and telling stories to myself. The guy guarding me really hates it at first and tells me to shut up, but I eventually win him over with my old man charm and find out his name is Alex.

At a stop, a woman on a horse rides over to my window and tries to sell me something, and I crack an old man joke, and she doesn’t like this. Turns out, she’s the daughter of the drug boss, and she threatens Alex and tells him to control his prisoners. This shakes Alex and he returns to being a bad guy. I start telling a story, and he strikes me in the face with his elbow and it breaks my nose and there’s blood everywhere.

I don’t like this, and I decide this isn’t fun anymore. So I get rid of the train and all the people and everything so that it’s just Alex and me. And I turn into a huge antlered dog dragon with horrible eyes and horrible teeth, and Alex is losing it. I tell him that he’s not a real person, that he’s just part of my dream. And that I was having fun until he started misbehaving, and now as punishment I’m going to keep him here and I’m going to be his personal nightmare.