dozens dreams

fake scam


I was lying in the back of some kind of flatbed trailer, one in a long line of them being pulled by a truck so that we looked kind of like a train of some sort.

There was a beautiful naked woman in the trailer with me. She spoke with some kind of vaguely Eastern European accent, and she handed me a folded ten dollar bill and was trying to convince me to do something I didn’t want to do.

I tried to say no and hand her the money back but she wouldn’t take it, and instead just kept insisting that I help her, and I kept refusing.

Eventually she became repetitive in her pleas as she was running out of words, and kind of stammered and hemmed and hawed, and we both kind of smiled, and then giggled, and then broke out laughing, because we were friends of a sort after all. It was all a charade. I mean, the con was real. She’s a scam artist and suckers people into her cons, but she’s tried it on me so many times, and we both know it doesn’t work, so she tries new material on me.

I tell her she did good, and give her a few pointers. Things she said and did what worked well, other things that kind of fell flat.

I pulled out my notebook and passed it to her so she could take notes, and she took a few notes, but they were scribbly and loopy and weird, and then she turned them into a beautiful drawing of an infinitely branching tree.